can i take that back?

today was sunday.  sunday means we dont watch normal tv shows, but only watch movies and sporting events.  today was a combination of australian open and total recall.  ever seen total recall?  its a typically 80's this-is-what-the-future-will-be-like movie.  my only comment: i hate schwartzenegger. anyways, if you have seen it, remember the part when he is told to put this thing up his nose and out come a tracking device?  

at this point in the movie, this conversation ensued:

brian: oo a tracking beacon.
me, correcting him: a beaker.
after a short pause...
me: did i just say beaker?
brian, laughing: yes you did.  thats a little different than a beacon.  and you thought you were so right.
me: shut up.
brian, singing to himself: my wife is a little bit handiiiiiii.....

no wonder my grades werent so up to snuff this semester.

sleep, interrupted

i am a very light sleeper.  brian is not.  but ive gotten used to him in the bed so i dont usually wake up unless something weird happens.  such as last night.

me, slightly concerned: did you hear that really loud noise?
brian, slightly irritated: yes, it was me.
me: what were you doing?
brian: ...ill tell you later.

a few minutes later: bang!
me, groggily: brian, stop it.

in the morning...
brian: so i had a dream last night that i was playing baseball.  i stretched out to catch a ball. i must have hit the wall with my arm.
me, laughing:  so thats why you felt the need to punch the wall?  because you were playing baseball in our bed?
brian, grumpily: if it wasnt for the wall, i would have caught the ball too.
me: did you try to catch it again later?
brian: no i was reaching for my alarm clack but the wall the closer to me than usual. stupid wall.